Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Monday, October 4, 2010

Introduction to this blog

Welcome to Life's Territory blog. In this blog
we will post articles about what we are doing here
in the Caprivi and Kavango regions in the northern
part of Namibia.
In this first posting I would like to describe some of
the activities we are doing.

In April 2010 we opened one kindergarten in a Eyey
(tribe) village called Sangwali in the Caprivi region,
the northwestern most part of the country of Namibia.
We occupied a building near a church and opened the
kindergarten for approximately 30 children. It has
been active since the beginning and is growing slowly
but surely.

Also in May 2010 we opened another kindergarten
in a majority San (Khwe) village called Omega 1 in
the east Kavango region.
We actually re-opened a kindergarten which was
closed when the South African Defense Force left
in 1989.
Omega 1 was an old military base from the time of the
occupation of Namibia by South Africa.
The building was used during the occupation time as
a kindergarten for the soldiers' children.
It was closed in 1989 as a kindergarten and after
20 years we've re-opened it again to it's original
When we arrived in August 2009 the building was
in dire need of repairs. For the first nine months
we worked to reclaim the building from it's abandoned
Though the building is in better condition we are still
a ways away from finishing the renovations.
At the present the kindergarten has about 25 children
from several local tribes.
Just like as the building we are in the process of
improving and developing the kindergarten.

The priorities of our kindergartens is to educate the
younger children so as to give them a better start
when they attend school. If they are prepared they
will perform better during their school years.
The education consists of areas such as social,
educational and spiritual.

There is more to do and we are here to also
develop the areas that we are living and working in.

At this time I would to thank all the people who
have supported these projects and made it possible
for us to work in Africa.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the great work that you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. Nice to find you here on this blog stuff. I wish you all the best and take care of the little baby. He is awesome.