Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Crusade ...

Our First Crusade ended the 30th of April.
It was a success as daily there was an
average of 75 attendees to hear the preaching
of Pastor Munanzi ( in photo above with the Omega
Bible Workers) who came from Katima Mulilo. He
was also accompanied by Pastor Kamwanga
from the Bagani District.

For our village it was incredible to see how many
people (not even from our Seventh Day Adventist
Church) come out daily and sit with great attention
to listen about the Themes and Topics that Pastor
Munanzi spoke about.

The Pastor preached every evening from 6 to 8 o'clock.
It began with the Bible Workers singing songs in the
Thimbukushu, Silozi and English Languages.
Then Pastor Munanzi would preach in English and
Pastor Kamwanga would translate to the people in
the Timbukushu language.

It also was concluded with the Bible Workers singing
hymns in any of the above mentioned Languages.

Here is the program we had for our first Crusade in
Omega 1 village ...

By Date - Title - Theme

April 17 - Omega - I am that I am

April 18 - The first to die among all criminals -
So that the scripture should be fulfilled

April 19 - The Parousia - Wait for His Son ...

April 20 - Pre Destination Theory - "Whosoever
Believeth ... ?

April 21 - The fallen Eye - Be blameless before the Lord

April 22 - The Day of the Lord - But that Day belongs
to the Lord

April 23 - (10 - 1 = 0) - You are guilty of breaking all

April 23 - JJ - Happy and Merry Christmas

April 24 - Money picked on the ground - Be Faithful

April 25 - Seven people God hated - Do this so that
innocent blood Should not be shed in your

April 26 - How clean is your house? - Your Body is the
Temple of God

April 27 - New Start - Be ye separate

April 28 - Don't Marry - Because of the present crisis

April 29 - Heavy cloud without Rain - They were all

The sermons of Pastor Munanzi were messages that
the people in Omega needed to hear. They need a
guide to help them to live in the way of the Lord.

For our first crusade it was a tremendous success and
on Saturday the 30th of April, it ended with ten people
being Baptized in the waters of the Okavango River.

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