Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Going to camp

When we arrived to begin our mission
here the village (Omega) had between
8 to 10 members coming to our church.
But the Lord has blessed us and we have
grown and now we have 30 members.
In the picture is several of our members
whom are waiting for transport to go to
a camp sponsored by the Seventh Day
Adventist Church conference based in
the capital Windhoek.
The camp is a week long event and it
brings members together from the SDA
churches in the region.
We are very happy that two thirds of our
members went to this camp.
The SDA Church in Omega is making a
revival and with these activities we feel it
will make our members closer to the Lord
and stronger to do His work.
When the members return we will report
about what they experienced and share
some of their thoughts about the camp.

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