Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Monday, November 21, 2011

Graduation Day

In the picture above you can see our
Emmanuel Kindergarten Class of 2011.
It has come to the end of our school year
and we are happy to say that five out of
this year's class will be going on to start
in the first grade next year at the village's
Omega Combined School.
The rainy season has begun so as a
graduation present we gave the students
umbrellas which they will get a chance to
use a lot in the upcoming months.

The kindergarten will be closing down for
next six weeks as here in Namibia it is the
time for school break.
We hope with the help of the Lord the year
2012 will be even a better one than 2011
was for our kindergarten.

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