Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Monday, November 7, 2011


The kindergarten is still having daily classes
from Monday through Friday and that will
continue until the third week of this month.
At that time the kinder will be on holiday
until the middle of January.
The normal practice is to have our schedule
match that of the school system of Namibia.
As the schools go on holiday, so do the

We had a visit this last week from the pioneer
(Daniel). He was with us for three months
a while back doing his work for the church
within our village. He arrived on Thursday and
was able to worship with us on Saturday.

The S.D.A. Church of Omega is still going
strong with many members of our Church
coming regularly (some from 4 km away
on foot). Every Saturday as we have our
service we have our members, old and new,
come to hear the word of God.

Here in our region of Namibia it is the time
when the rains are beginning to come. We
have two seasons here and they are best
described as the dry and rainy seasons.
With the coming of the rainy season it gives
us a chance to expand our mission's garden.

As you can see in the picture above, we have
new plants that we've just put in a few weeks
ago. At the moment our garden consists of
tomatoes, egg plant, onions, swiss chard
and cabbage. The garden's size is limited by
the amount of water we have to water it. But
with the rainy season on the way, we will be
able to fill up our garden area with plants.

We are planning and beginning to organize a
new area for the kindergarten. The existing
kinder is a little small and we have an area
on our mission property that we can develop
to make the kinder area a little bit bigger. It
will make a more comfortable environment
for the kids.

We can say at the moment that it is going along
well here at our S.D.A. Omega Mission. There
is of course more to do and we are continuing
to do the work of God to the best of our abilities.

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