Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

End of kindergarten's first year

In the picture you can see the kindergarten class
of 2010.
The kindergarten's schedule follows that of the village
school so this Friday we will also close out the
year 2010, our first year of the Emmanuel Kindergarten
in Omega 1.
During the year we have had from 25 to 35 children
attending daily from Monday through Friday.
It has been a good first year and there is a lot more to
do and develop within the kindergarten project.
In 2011 our goals are to continue to be here for
the children and the community. We plan on expanding
our meal program to include lunches just before the
children leave for home.
We also hope to be able to acquire more toys and
make some playground equipment like a see-saw
and swing.
We will do all this with the help of almighty God.
With him we will make a good kindergarten for the
children in our village.

Monday, November 1, 2010


In the picture is the kindergarten children
getting ready to eat their lunch. This is a new
addition to our kindergarten program.

Before we were able to provide a little breakfast
but now we have been able to supply a little
more in the form of a lunch.

Right now the teachers are the ones preparing the
lunch for the children.

Due to an addition of 10 more children attending
our kinder, we have to go out and buy two new
larger cooking pots to allow us to cook enough food
for all the children.

Next week we plan on going into Katima and pick
up the two larger cooking pots we mentioned above.

Slowly we are working to develop the kindergarten
and every week we are making progress. We are
solving one problem at a time.

That is how we plan to develop our mission,
one step at a time.