Welcome to Life's Territory
Working developmental activities in Africa
( An NGO from Spain )

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mission outreach

Part of our mission here is to also go
out to do outreach work in other villages.
In the above case we went to a village called
Shamakwi which is about 3 km from our mission.
 In the picture you can see a house/hut
in the back ground where a family lives.
They are from one of the San tribes called
the Mashakere.
It is now becoming winter in Namibia,so
for this family our mission gave them
a blanket.and we hope that the blanket will
keep the family warm during the cold
nights while they are sleeping in their hut.
From our mission we try to help as many
people as we can that are in need and
with the help of God we will be able to
continue to aid people like this family
with our outreach program.